DAZ 追求的正是一个干净、漂亮的阅读接口,在资讯纷杂且让人无所适从的网络世界当中,简单、丰富又内敛的资讯平台真的很少,DAZ 提供网络阅览者一个完美的选择。
最贴近日常生活的家具设计,最容易刺激反思和设计灵感,每件独一无二的设计都有其故事和想法。DAZ 穿游于产品、设计师、制造商和各个品牌之间,提供每个渴望认识设计的人一个完整且丰富的资讯平台。
DAZ 以最简单的形式和世界同步脉动,以英文字母 A-Z 的方式编排,从 A 到 Z 分享好设计,期许网站的内容能在读者的心里圈起一波波充满创意的设计涟漪。
DAZ 致力于将最专业、正确的设计资讯分享给所有使用者。不论是设计爱好者、设计系学生、设计工作者、家具经销商、家具制造商,都能在这边找到新知和不同以往的体验。
Established in 2012, DAZ is a Taiwan based website that focuses on industrial design and furniture design products.
DAZ is an online encyclopedia of furniture design, where you can link about products, designers, brands, manufacturers, retailers and all different kinds of information. Our main goal is to become the largest Chinese online broadcasting media in modern design.
Maintaing a clean,simple,modern interface is one of our major concerns. In a world flooding of overwhelming information, a resource which provides up to date, precise, correct and thoughtful information is very important. Here at DAZ we wish to share our passion of design with people who care.
DAZ 这个设计资讯平台让家具经销商和消费者之间也能轻易的连结,让消费者可以在一个舒适、自由的氛围内浏览家具设计的资讯,去寻找心目中最优质的生活空间。
如果你有漂亮好看的广告Banner、想要提供各式设计资讯,或是您有意刊登活动或品牌资讯 (但缺了个好看的广告 Banner),都欢迎与我们连络。
Reach your target audience at DAZ, where brand recognition and acceptance is amplified.
Online advertising is more than just putting an ad on the banner, DAZ can assist you with creative and thoughtful content and create interactive involvement.
联络方式 DAZ
若对于 DAZ 还是有很多疑问,请不要吝啬也不要害羞,欢迎来信 hello@daz.com.tw 或上 Facebook 与我们联系。
电邮 E-mail: hello@daz.com.tw
脸书 Facebook: www.facebook.com/daz.com.tw
If you are looking for additional information or you have some questions to ask, feel free to contact us as the info above, we would love to hear from you.
Yours sincerely DAZ